How I Increased Productivity using notion

How I Increased Productivity using notion


๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ My name is Shravan. In this blog, I will be sharing my real-life experience on how I increased my productivity by using the notion.

Getting Started

To keep track of daily, weekly and monthly tasks, we should be organizing the tasks. Here the notion comes to play. It has a bunch of templates to store our data in a well-structured way.

To get started with Notion go with this reference

How am I using the notion

You can see the above screenshot that, I have created separate pages for different tasks.

For calendar to store whole days task. The name of course is another page. My dream company's job description. And also a reading list and research hub to store articles and research papers. Also my meeting data too. You can create pages based on your requirements. There are a lot of free notion templates.


Here you can see my progress in my notion workspace. At first, I missed my consistency later on became easy for me to update my progress in notion. You can also increase your productivity by creating this type of simple notion page.

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